
Comparative and Superlative

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  • The earth (large) _____________________________________ the moon.
    is larger than
  • I (tall) _____________________________________ my sister.
    am taller than
  • We bought (expensive) __________________________________ TV in the store.
    the most expensive
  • The sun (hot) _____________________________________ the earth.
    is hotter than
  • Which place (hot) __________________________________ place on earth?
    is the hottest
  • My friend is _____________________ (interesting) person I know.
    the most interesting
  • Jupiter (big) __________________________________ planet in our solar system.
    is the biggest
  • Sarah (busy) _____________________________________ Mary.
    is busier than
  • What (long) __________________________________ word in English that you know?
    is the longest
  • Elephants are (heavy) ____________________________ land animal in world.
    the heaviest
  • Elephants (large) __________________________________ land animals on earth.
    are the largest
  • Who is (popular) _____________________ singer in your country?
    the most popular
  • Which sports do you think (dangerous) __________________________________?
    are the most dangerous
  • Comedies (funny) _____________________________________ action movies.
    are funnier than
  • Lions (dangerous) _____________________________________ rabbits.
    are more dangerous than
  • I think it is _____________________ (funny) show on television.
    the funniest
  • Action movies (exciting) _____________________________________ comedies.
    are more exciting than
  • I think weekends (nice) _____________________________________ weekdays.
    are nicer than
  • Elephants (big) _____________________________________ horses.
    are bigger than
  • Cars (fast) _____________________________________ bicycles.
    are faster than
  • He (strange) __________________________________ man in the story.
    is the strangest
  • Salads (healthy) _____________________________________ hamburgers.
    are healthier than
  • I think math (difficult) __________________________________ subject.
    is the most difficult
  • I (tall) __________________________________ person in my family.
    am the tallest