
Let's go shopping

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  • what store is this?
    It's a juice bar
  • Where can you buy a blouse?
    In the cloting store
  • what store is this?
    It's a clothing store
  • what store is this?
    It's a book store
  • How much is the juice?
    It's 5 dollars
  • Where can you buy books?
    In the bookstore
  • Where can you buy a teddy bear?
    In the toy store
  • Where can you buy a computer?
    In the computer store
  • How much is the guitar?
    It's 25 dollars
  • what store is this?
    It's a music store
  • what type store is this?
    It's a department store
  • How much are jeans?
    They are 16 dollars