
e8 - Macmillan - Grammar Practise - Unit 1 - Pre ...

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  • (Paul zrobił) a lot of photos since he got his new camera.
    Paul has taken
  • My mother ... (zna) my father since they went to school together.
    has known
  • Bob is really unhappy - he ... (ne zdał) his driving test.
    has failed
  • (Po raz pierwszy jem).... sushi!
    It's the first time I have eaten
  • The picture shows two people who ... (siedzą) in a cafe.
    are sitting
  • Ile kosztuje ta sukienka? 2x (IS, COST)
    How much is this dress? How much does this dress cost?
  • (they/meet) at the club once a week?
    Do they meet
  • When did you buy this smartwatch? HOW LONG
    How long have you had this msartwatch?
  • How long have you been engaged? WHEN
    When did you get engaged?
  • Matura exams in Poland are organised in May. TAKE
    Matura exams in Poland take place in May.
  • My brother is going to look for a new job. OF
    My brother is thinking of looking for a new job.
  • I met my best friend Jim 10 years ago. FOR
    I've known Jim for 10 years.
  • How much is this jumper? COST
    How much does this jumper cost?
  • I always (play/guitar) when I'm stressed out.
    play the guitar
  • I've had this laptop (od roku).
    for a year
  • I'm a bit stressed out - we .... (wyprowadzamy się) of our apartament to a house in the countryside.
    are moving out
  • How long does it take you to get to school in he morning? SPEND
    How much time do you spend to ...
  • Wow! This dish ... delicious. What is it?
  • ...? She's a manager in a bank.
    What does your mother do?
  • My mother ... to work this week because her car has broken down.
    is walking
  • Why .... (twój brat ma ubrany) a suit for school today?
    is your brother wearing