
Understanding Atomic Structure

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  • A piece of aluminum foil has a mass of 27 grams. About how many atoms does this contain? (Aluminum has a molecular mass of 27 g/mol.)
    1.20 x 10^24 atoms
    3.01 x 10^23 atoms
    27 atoms
    6.02 x 10^23 atoms
  • The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is concerned with what two properties?
    position and velocity
    mass and velocity
    momentum and mass
    momentum and position
  • What is the term for the number of peaks that pass through a fixed spot during a given time interval?
    Planck's constant
  • Which of the following is an example of when an electron absorbs energy?
    When it goes from the second energy level to the fourth.
    When it goes from the fourth energy level to the first.
    When it maintains constant energy and doesn't change .
    When an electron releases a photon.
  • What is the name of the constant in the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle equation?
    de Broglie
  • What is an orbital?
    The charge of an atom
    The location of an electron
    The space between electrons
    The rings around an atom
  • Based on Avogadro's number, which of the following is FALSE? (For reference: the molecular mass of helium is 4 g, the molecular mass of carbon is 12 g.)
    A mole is 6.02 × 1023.
    One mole of carbon atoms has a mass of 6 grams.
    One mole of helium atoms has a mass of 4 grams.
    The mole is the number of amu in a gram.
  • How many electrons can fit into the p subshell?
  • Which of the following has a positive charge and a mass of one amu?
    Chemical bonds
  • Which of the following was the instrument used for the discovery of the electron?
    Oil drop apparatus
    Alpha particle emitter
    Gold foil experiment
    Cathode ray tube
  • Which rule states that electrons will go into empty orbitals of the same energy before entering into an orbital with an electron present?
    Hand's Rule
    Hund's Rule
    Pauli Exclusion Principle
    Aufbau Principle
  • Which block is manganese (Mn) located in?
  • What equation is lambda = h/mv?
    de Broglie equation
    Planck equation
    Einstein equation
    Davisson-Germer equation
  • What is the largest principal quantum number that a calcium electron can have?
    n = 2
    n = 4
    n = 0
    n = 1
  • How are isotopes of the same element similar?
    They are equally abundant in nature.
    They have the same number of neutrons.
    They have the same number of protons.
    They have the same mass.
  • A computer chip contains 1.20 x 10^23 atoms of silicon. What is its mass? (The molecular mass of silicon is 28 g/mol.)
    6.02 x 10^23 grams
    14 grams
    5.6 grams
    2 grams
  • Which of the rules discussed in this lesson relates to the spin of electron in an orbital?
    None of these discussed spin
    Pauli exclusion principle
    Aufbau principle
    Hund's rule
  • The mass number of an atom indicates:
    the total number of protons and electrons.
    the total number of protons and neutrons.
    the number of neutrons.
    the number of protons.
  • Magnesium has three common isotopes. Based on its average atomic mass, which is the most common?
  • What does the Pauli Exclusion Principle deal with?
    electron spin
    electron charge
    electron speed
    none of these are correct
  • What is the main point of the de Broglie equation?
    Einstein's theory of relativity was incorrect
    matter only behaves like a particle
    matter has wave-like properties
    the position of light cannot be precisely determined