
Cell Structure Unit 2 Review

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  • In which direction does passive transport (no energy required) move materials across the membrane?
    high to low, with the natural flow or gradient
  • Inside this important organelle, DNA (genetic material) is stored. What organelle is the control center?
  • Chemical energy- product of cellular respiration
  • This organelle provides support and protection to plants, so much so that animal cells do not have them. What organelle and why don't animals have them?
    cell wall; they would restrict movement
  • According to the cell theory, all living things are ....
    made up of one or more cells
  • Name the two example/forms of passive transport.
    diffusion and osmosis
  • Prokaryotic cells have ___________ ___________________, are small and simple and lack membrane bound __________________________.
    no nucleus, organelles
  • This substance, pigment is green in color and found inside an organelle in plant cells. This pigment allows absorption of sunlight energy from the sun. 
  • This organelle is like a storage container for water and minerals inside the cell. Plants have 1 large one. Animals have several smaller ones.
  • This TYPE of cell is small, no nucleus and uses flagella (tail like thing) for movement.
  • What TYPE of cell is shown here?
    eukaryotic (animal)
  • Where do all cells come from?
    pre-existing cells
  • What is required for cellular respiration to occur?
    glucose and oxygen
  • In ____________________ transport, materials are moved from low to high concentration.
  • The largest organelle inside a plant cell hold water and other waste. It can be compared to a storage container. What organelle is this?
  • What are the products of photosynthesis?
    O2 (oxygen) and glucose (sugar- plant food)
  • This eukaryotic cell has lysosomes.
    animal cell
  • In which organelle does cellular respiration take place?
  • Why is photosynthesis just as important to animals as it is plants?
    Animals use glucose and oxygen from plants to make ATP; we eat vegetables (plants) for food & so do other animals (meat) we eat
  • What process is taking place?
  • Which form of cellular transport requires energy to move large particle into the cell from the outside?
  • Which eukaryotic cell is more square in shape, has 1 vacuole and chloroplasts?
    plant cell
  • This organelle is responsible for regulating the passing of nutrients into the cell and getting rid of waste out of the cell.
    cell membrane
  • What gas do plants take in from the air around them as a reactant for photosynthesis?
    CO2, carbon dioxide
  • Plants and animals use which cellular energy process to get the energy required for daily functions?
    cellular respiration
  • What is the purpose/function of lysosomes only found in animal cells?
    get rid of waste; digest waste and foreign matter
  • These green organelles are found inside plants and are the site of which cellular energy process?
    chloroplast; photosynthesis
  • What are the products of cellular respiration?
    ATP, water, CO2
  • By looking at a slice of a cork tree under a microscope, _____________ ______________ discovered cells stating that they looked like little empty rooms.
    Robert Hooke
  • What process is taking place?
  • In a school setting, the nucleus compares to what?
    the principal
  • What is the purpose of a decomposer and why would you NOT find chloroplast in one of them?
    To break down the remains of dead organisms so that the Earth is not covered in waste; decomposers are heterotrophs, not autotrophs & do not need chloroplast
  • What are the 3 reactants for photosynthesis?
    sunlight, water, carbon dioxide
  • Plants are not active and require less energy to function. Animal are very active. Therefore you would expect to find more of what organelle inside animals vs plants?
  • When an item is placed in water overnight and swells, which cellular transport process is taking place?