
Non-defining Relative Clauses - Who/Which

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  • The street market, ___ is held every Tuesday, is very popular with the locals.
  • Jessica, ___ I don't actually like very much, is a great teacher.
  • Is it correct or incorrect? My cousin Kim who lives in Australia is coming to visit me soon.
    Incorrect (no commas)
  • Is it correct or incorrect? ACE, which was founded in 1992, has a total of six campuses.
  • Is it correct or incorrect? I bought a new book, which was written by my favorite author.
    Incorrect (Defining relative clause, no comma)
  • Is it correct or incorrect? We are all going to San Francisco for the wedding, who is next week!
    Incorrect (which)
  • We will wear our Spider Man costumes on Halloween. It is celebrated on October 31 every year.
    We will wear our Spider Man costumes on Halloween, which is celebrated on October 31 every year.
  • I study at ACE. It is one of the best English school.
    I study at ACE, which is one of the best English school.
  • John works at Apple Inc. He is my childhood friend.
    John, who is my childhood friend, works at Apple Inc.
  • Is it correct or incorrect? I am going to try out food at the new restaurant which is just around the corner.
    Correct. (no comma, defining clause)
  • Valencia, ____ is on the east coast of Spain, is a popular tourist destination.
  • Last week I saw Bruno Mars. He is a famous singer.
    Last week, I saw Bruno Mars, who is a famous singer.
  • Josh, ___ got divorced last year, is now living in Thailand.
  • London, ___ is the capital of England, has a population of about 9,500,000.