
Success - Learning from Failure

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  • What is a key reason why people avoid searching for the cause of a failure?
    Because it is hard works and means addressing personal flaws
  • What almost always guarantees a repeat of the same mistake or failure?
    Not taking responsibility
  • Who lost 8 elections?
    Abraham Lincoln
  • Good Habit + Positive Attitude =
  • A person can prevent a repeat of a failure by correcting or replacing the cause.
  • When someone fails, what is an immediate response by many?
    Blame others
  • A key question a person should ask is "What behaviors, attitudes, beliefs and/or habits of mine lead to the failure".
  • Success will only come to those that keep repeating the same failure.
  • Bad habit + Poor Attitude =
  • What is the key in the process of turning a failure into a success?
    Being able to understand the reason for the failure
  • Who said "I have not failed, I have found 10,000 ways that won't work?.
    Thomas Edison
  • It has been said that we often learn more from our failures than we do our successes.
  • Who was cut from his high school basketball team?
    Michael Jordon
  • Who was told that they had no talent for drawing?
    Walt Disney
  • If a bad habit cause a failure, what will the bad habit need to be replaced with?
    a positive attitude and a good habit
  • Being able to figure out why failure happened only happens when what occurs?
    taking time to reflect on the failure and being honest with yourself