
Future perfect vs future continuous

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  • You can't visit us next Tuesday because we ... (LEAVE) by then.
    will have left
  • A: Shall we meet for lunch at 1 o'clock tomorrow? B: Sorry. At 1, I... (SIT) on a train to Paris.
    I'll be sitting on a train to Paris.
  • This time next week we ...(RELAX) at the seaside.
    will be relaxing
  • By the time we get to the cinema the film ...(END)
    will have ended
  • We can't meet between 7 and 9.I...(DO) my homework then.
    I'll be doing
  • Ask me tomorrow. by then , I ...(MAKE) a decision.
    will have made
  • For the next few months, we ... (WORK) as much as possible to save up for a trip.
    will be working
  • At this time this year, Bob ... (LIVE) next door to us.
    will be living
  • A: Can I drop in at about 11 pm? B: No, that's too late, I .... (SLEEP)
    will be sleeping
  • When you get up tomorrow morning, I ... already ... (DRIVE) to Cork.
    will have driven
  • By this time tomorrow we ...(HAVE) our new car in the garage.
    will have had
  • When you get back the decorators .... (FINISH) all the work.
    will have finished
  • I'm so disappointed. My favourite shop ... (CLOSE) in the next week.
    will be closing
  • What after-school clubs this year?
    will you be joining
  • In a ten years' time most people .... (WEAR) smart watches.
    will be wearing
  • A: How late are we? B: Very! Half of the people ...(LEAVE) by the time we get there.
    will have left
  • Look out of the window in a few minutes. We ... (FLY) over the Alps.
    will be flying
  • By the end of the year, I...(ACHIEVE) most of my goals.
    will have achieved
  • When you get off the train, I ... (WAIT) for you on the platform
    will be waiting
  • In two days, we ...(KNOW) each other for exactly a year.
    will have known