
Clothes & Fashion

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  • What colors do you think look good on you?
  • What do you think of people who always and only wear black?
  • Where is your favorite shopping centre?
  • About how much money do you spend on clothes a year?
  • What do you think about secondhand clothes?
  • Why is it acceptable for women to wear men's clothing, but not for men to dress in women's clothing?
  • Do you like shopping for new clothes?
  • Have you ever felt uncomfortable with what you wear?
  • What piece of clothing do you spend your money on the most? Why?
  • What fashions that you see today do you think will be out of fashion within two years?
  • What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
  • What did you wear yesterday?
  • Did your parents ever make you wear something you didn't like?
  • Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes?
  • What do you think of men who where tights?
  • What are some of the strangest fashions you have seen?