
Past Simple Tense.

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  • I was walking to school every day when I was 8 years old. Is this sentence correct? If yes, explain. If not, correct it.
    It should be: I walked to school every day when I was 8 years old.
  • A team game played with an oval ball that may be kicked, carried, and passed from hand to hand is …
  • Make a correction. Did you saw Marina yesterday?
    Did you see Marina yesterday?
  • What do we wear when it is cold, name the clothes for winter.
    Coat, boots, hat, gloves, sweater, scarf…
  • Create a sentence with the word “sweep” using the Past Simple.
    Yesterday I swept the floor and watered the plants. (This is just an example)
  • What are some keywords of Past Simple Tense that you know? Name them.
    Yesterday, the day before yesterday, some days/weeks/years ago.
  • Choose the appropriate Verb To Be form for this sentence (look at the tense and pronouns/nouns). Me and my sister … at home when our mother came.
    Me and my sister WERE at home when my mother came.
  • Put the words in the right order. (was/he/one/players/famous/hockey/of/the/2015/in)
    He was one of the famous hockey players in 2015.
  • Make this sentence into Negative one by using Negative structure. (I was able to write an essay during the break)
    I was not able to write an essay during the break.
  • Make a correction. She goed to the school yesterday.
    She went to school yesterday.