
FF2 units 1-3 revision

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  • this is or that is?
    that is
  • Are they happy?
    Yes, they are
  • What's the preposition?
    next to
  • What's the preposition?
  • these are or those are?
    those are
  • What are these?
    These are drawers
  • Can they play football?
    Yes, they can
  • Is he tired?
    Yes, he is
  • these are or those are?
    these are
  • Is he happy?
    No, he isn't
  • What's the preposition?
    in front of
  • Can he ride a horse?
    Yes, he can
  • Is he brave?
    No, he isn't
  • What is this?
    It's a cupboard
  • Can she ride a bike?
    No, she can't
  • these are or those are?
    those are
  • this is or that is?
    this is
  • What's the preposition?