
Go away,monster cigarette!

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  • How to say "NO" to secondhand smoking? 怎麼向二手菸說不?
    Show the damages of secondhand smoking. 講出抽菸的危害有哪些
  • How to say "NO" to secondhand smoking? 怎麼向二手菸說不?
    Go away from the secondhand smoking place. 遠離抽菸地
  • How to say "NO" to secondhand smoking? 怎麼向二手菸說不?
    Persuasion 一同勸導他戒菸
  • How to say "NO" to secondhand smoking? 怎麼向二手菸說不?
    Show the "No Smoking" sign. 對抽菸者秀出"禁止抽菸"標誌
  • How to say "NO" to secondhand smoking? 怎麼向二手菸說不?
    Wearing mask. 戴口罩