
Spotlight 1 Review

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  • What place is this?
    This is the dining room.
  • What is Sally doing?
    She is sleeping.
  • What time is it?
    It's seven o'clock.
  • Is smoke solid?
    No, it isn't. It's a gas.
  • What time is it?
    It's 4 o'clock.
  • Complete the sentence: I smell with my ...
  • What is the boy doing?
    He is setting the table.
  • What does Ann do in the picture? Where is she?
    Ann has lunch at the cafeteria
  • How many candles are there on the birthday cake? Why this number?
    There are 7 candles because the boy is 7 years old.
  • Can you describe this girl?
    She has blonde hair and blue eyes.
  • Where is the pencil?
    The pencil is on the table. The pencil is next to the notebook/eraser.
  • What place is this?
    This is the living room.
  • Complete the sentence: I see with my ...
  • Where are the scissors?
    The scissors are under the table.
  • Complete the sentence: I hear with my ...
  • Is the bed a living thing?
    No, it isn't. The bed is a nonliving thing.
  • Where is Sally?
    She is in her bedroom.
  • Where does the librarian work?
    She works at the library.
  • Candy trees, talking rabbit... Is this reality or fantasy?
    This is fantasy.
  • Can you see a living thing in the picture?
    The boy is a living thing.
  • What place is this?
    This is the bathroom.
  • Is milk a gas?
    No, it isn't. It's liquid.
  • What is unhealthy in the picture?
    Cookies aren't healthy.
  • Complete the sentence: I taste with my ...
  • Complete the sentence: I touch with my ...
  • Where is grandma?
    She is in the kitchen.
  • Can you describe their clothes?
    Blue dress and orange shoes. Purple blouse, yellow skirt, and purple sandals.
  • Is ice liquid?
    No, it isn't. It's solid.
  • Where is the backpack?
    The backpack is in front of the table. The backpack is next to the table.
  • What does Ann do in the picture? Where is she? Who is she with?
    Ann plays on the playground with her friends.
  • What is grandma doing?
    She is making cookies.