
Idioms (intermediate)

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  • Make an example with the idiom "the best thing since sliced bread"
    any answers
  • What idiom is used to say that one thinks that something will never happen
    When pigs fly
  • What is the meaning of the idiom "get out of hand"?
    get out of control
  • What idiom is used to say that there is a big problem or issue that nobody wants to talk about
    the elephant in the room
  • What idiom is used to say that something is easy to do or use ?
    Bob's your uncle!
  • make an example sentence with the idiom "COME RAIN OR SHINE "
    students' answers
  • How do you call a very intelligent person?
    A smart cookie
  • What is the idiom?
    pull someone's leg
  • What's the meaning of "Once in a blue moon"?
    very rarely
  • What is the idiom?
    beat about the bush
  • What is the meaning of the idiom "as cool as a cucumber"
    very calm
  • What is the idiom?
    Jack of all trades
  • Make an example with the idiom "Like a cat on a hot tin roof"
    any answer