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  • It´s raining cats and dogs, What does this really mean?
    It is raining very hard. / Cuando llueve muy fuerte.
  • To have a lot on a plate, what does this really mean?
    To have a lot of work to do / Tener mucho trabajo que hacer.
  • A piece of cake, what does this really mean?
    Something that is easy to do. / Algo muy fácil de hacer.
  • Get cold feet, what does this really mean?
    Suddenly become scared / Asustarse por algo.
  • Not my cup of tea, what does this really mean?
    Not what I like or prefer / Algo que no me gusta.
  • Pain in the neck, what does this really mean?
    Something is really annoying / Algo que realmente es molesto.
  • To have a green thumb, What does this really mean?
    Be good at gardening. / Ser bueno jardineando.
  • Cry over the spilt milk, what does this really mean?
    to feel sorry or sad about something that has already happened. / Sentirse triste por algo que sucedió.
  • Sit on the fence / what does this really mean?
    You dont´take sides in an arguments or avoid making decisions / No decidirse por tomar alguna decisión.
  • The ball is in your court, what does this really mean?
    It is your decision. / Cundo algo es tu decisión.
  • Hold your horses , What does this really mean?
    To tell someone to wait. / Decirle a alguien que espere un momento y piense bien las cosas.