
5A, U4 Review

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  • What ________ doing ____________? He was _______________.
    What was he doing at 2 p.m. yesterday? He was taking a test.
  • What ________ doing ____________? They were _______________.
    Waht were they doing at 1 p.m. yesterday? They were creating a poster.
  • ______ has a _________ at 8 o'clock. She puts on her ___________.
    Claire has a class at 8 o'clock. She puts on her clothes.
  • What was she doing when the phone rang?
    She was clipping her fingernails.
  • Look and spell.
  • Look and spell.
  • What was he doing when the phone rang?
    He was changing his clothes.
  • What was she doing when the phone rang?
    She was counting her money.
  • What ________ doing _____________? They were ________________.
    What were they doing ar 11 a.m. this morning? They were discussing a problem.
  • What ________ doing ____________? She was _______________.
    What was she doing at 9 p.m. yesterday? She was wrapping a gift.
  • What was she doing when the phone rang?
    She was recording a video.
  • What were you doing last night?
    I was completing my science project.
  • What was she doing when the phone rang?
    She was tying her sneakers.
  • What were you doing last night?
    I was fighting with my friend.
  • Look and spell.
  • What was he doing when the phone rang?
    He was downloading music.