
Perek 38 Review

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  • 13. (י) What happened to אוֹנָן?
    ה' made him die.
  • 38. (כז) How many children was תמר having?
  • 33. (כד) What was יהודה told?
    תמר was pregnant
  • 14. (י"א) What does Yehuda tell Tamar?
    Go back to your father's house & wait until Sheilah gets older
  • 5. (ג) What was the name of the first son of יְהוּדָה?
  • 18. (י"ג) What was תמר told?
    Your Father in-law is going up to Timnas to the sheep shearers.
  • 31. (כג) What does יהודה say back to חירה?
    Let her take the things or else it will be an embarrassment for us!
  • 8. (ה) Why does the פסוק mention that she gave birth in כְזִיב? (רש"י)
    She stopped giving birth there.
  • 3. (ב) Who did יְהוּדָה marry?
    Daughter of Shuah
  • 25. (י"ז) What does תמר ask for?
    Security until he sends the goat.
  • 35. (כה) What does תמר do as she is being taken out?
    Sends Yehudah a message with the security & to please recognize them because she had married the man that they belonged to.
  • 1. (א) Why is the story of יְהוּדָה right after the selling of Yosef? (רש"י)
    The brothers didn't want Yehudah as leader because after seeing how upset Yaakov they blamed Yehudah for not stopping the sale of Yosef.
  • 26. (י"ח) What does תמר say to leave behind?
    Signet ring, cloak, staff
  • 28. (כ') What does יהודה send? With whom? Why?
    A Young goat, his Adulami friend, to get back his things
  • 39. (כח) What did the midwife do?
    Put a red string around the arm of the baby who stuck out his hand.
  • 32. (כד) After how many months did this פסוק begin?
    About 3 months
  • 12. (ט) Why was אוֹנָן not happy?
    The children that the would be considered for his brother.
  • 6. (ד) What was the name of the second son of יְהוּדָה?
  • 40. (כט) Which baby was born first? Why was that his name?
    Peretz. He pushed his way out with "Strength"
  • 2. From who did יְהוּדָה "go down" from? Who did he partner with?
    His brothers. Chirah an Adulami man.
  • 15. (י"א) Why did he tell תמר that?
    He didn't really want her to marry Sheilah because he may also die.
  • 7. (ה) What was the name of the third son of יְהוּדָה?
  • 9. (ו) What was the name of the wife that יְהוּדָה took for his firstborn son, עֵר?
  • 34. (כד) What does יהודה say to do to תמר?
    Take her out & she should be burned!
  • 23. (ט"ז) What did תמר ask from יהודה?
    What will you give to me?
  • 11. (ח) What did יְהוּדָה tell to אוֹנָן?
    Do יבום to your brothers wife and have children for him.
  • 24. (י"ז) What does יהודה tell that he would send?
    A young goat from the flock
  • 37. (כו) What does יהודה do?
    Admits that it was him and that she was correct because he had not given her to Sheilah
  • 36. Why doesn't she just say that she married יהודה (רש"י)? What do we learn from this?
    She didn't want to embarrass Yehudah. It should be better for someone to be thrown into fire than to embarrass his friend.
  • 22. (ט"ז) What did יהודה ask תמר?
    To marry him.
  • 20. (י"ד) Where does she sit?
    By the crossroads. Some say by the tent of אברהם
  • 4. In this Passuk, what does "כְּנַעֲנִי" mean (רש"י)?
  • 10. (ז) What happened to Er?
    Hashem made him die.
  • 30. (כב) What does חירה tell יהודה?
    I could not find her & the people of the place said that she was not there.
  • 19. (י"ד) What does תמר do?
    Removes her widows clothes and wraps her face with a veil
  • 27. (י"ט) What does תמר do after she leaves?
    Removes her veil & changes back to her widow's clothing
  • 16. (י"ב) What happens to Yehuda's Wife?
    She dies.
  • 29. (כא) What do the people tell חירה about "the woman"?
    "There was no such woman here!"
  • 17. (י"ב) Where does Yehuda go? With whom does he go?
    To see the sheep shearing, with his friend חירה
  • 21. (ט"ו) Why didn't יהודה recognize תמר? (רש"י)
    1) Her faced was covered with the veil 2) She had been very Tzanuah when she had been by Yehudah.
  • 41. (ל) Which baby was born second?
    Zarach. He had the "Shiny" red string on his hand.