
English reading-Burkes and Wills, Burke and Will ...

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  • turn into
    to change into something or someone; to become something or someone
  • supplies
    the food and equipment necessary for an army exercise, camping trip, and so on
  • sandstorm
    a windstorm that blows hot air, dust, and grit
  • search party
    a group of people who look for someone who is lost
  • ahead of
  • lead (v, n)
    to show the way
  • outback
    The dry, unpopulated inland region of Australia
  • supply
    The amount of goods available
  • continent
    one of the seven large landmasses on the earth
  • coast
    the shore of a sea or ocean
  • Swamp
    area of low, wet land with trees
  • swamp
    A wetland ecosystem in which shrubs and trees grow
  • creek
    a natural stream of water smaller than a river (and often a tributary of a river)
  • rainstorm
    a storm with heavy rain.
  • exploration
    to travel to discover
  • expedition
    A long journey by a group to explore, a journey organized for a particular purpose
  • get along
    have a good relationship
  • inexperienced
    without much experience or knowledge of something
  • search Party
    a party of people to search for someone
  • centimeter
    a metric unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter
  • base camp
    A central setup of tents where food, equipment, and medical supplies are stored; a relay site for climbers
  • Aborigines
    The general named often used to describe the original inhabitants of Australia.
  • halfway
    in the middle between two points
  • move on
    to continue
  • desert
    An extremely dry area with little water and few plants
  • set up
    to establish
  • hemisphere
    half of the earth
  • loneliness
    sadness because one has no friends or company
  • Interior
    Inner or internal part, similar to outback, situated well inland from the coast or border