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  • Complete: It's hight time...
  • Complete: it's about time...
  • Suppose you had taken a job as a photographer, would you be living happily?
  • Would you sooner Brazil won a World Cup or many medals during the Olympic Games?
  • Suppose you could have one of the following talents: to write great novels, paint great pictures or sing brilliantly? Which one would you choose?
  • Suppose someone offered you a job in Canada but it meant not seeing your family for 2 years. Would you take it?
  • Suppose a film director asked to make a film about your life? Would you accept? Who would you like to act as you?
  • What if cellphones had never been invented? How would you communicate with people? And how would your life be?
  • What if you had to choose between knowing all the words in English but never being able to speak. Or being able to speak but never becoming fluent?
  • Would you rather never watch a tv series on Netflix or have to watch them 24/7 for the rest of your life?