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  • What is an example of "Moku"?
    Waianae, Ewa, Kona, and Waialua
  • What does "Mokupuni" mean?
    Whole island
  • Who died in 1819?
    The Great Kamehameha
  • Noni Shrub would belong in what section of an Ahupua'a?
  • Who died in 1824?
    Kamehameha II and his wife
  • What does "Ili" mean?
    Strips of Land
  • What does "Ahupua`a" mean?
    A pig altar served as a Boundary Marker for each Ahupua`a (Land from Mountain INTO the sea).
  • Who is Mr. Mitchell's favorite BlackPink member?
  • What are the three effect land had on traditional Hawaiians?
    Political, Social, and Economic
  • What is an example of "Ili"?
    Lo`i patch
  • What does a old Ahupua`a look like?
    A severed pig head on a pile of rocks
  • What made the next wave of the Hawaiians want to settle inland?
    Population increased, ran out of room
  • What is an example of "Mokupuni"?
    Oahu, Maui, Kauai, and Big Island
  • Bamboo would belong in what section of an Ahupua'a?
  • what does "Ahu" mean?
    Pile, heap, mound, stack, platform of rocks
  • What does "Ahupua`a" mean? (Land Only)
    Land from Mountain INTO the sea
  • What does "Kai" mean?
  • Hawaiians didn’t have a written language, so the history & culture was passed down from generations to the next by doing what?
    Chanting, Storytelling, and Hula
  • What does "Kula" mean?
  • What are the two mountain ranges on O’ahu?
    Waiʻanae range to the west and Koʻolau range to the east
  • What is the most important resource in an ahupua`a?
    Water because it gives life to everything in the ahupua`a
  • What does a Modern Ahupua`a look like?
    A sign
  • What is an example of "Ahupua`a"?
    Waikele, Honolulu, Waikiki, Kahuku, and Waipio
  • Who was Kamehameha 2 and 3 mother?
  • What is Mr. Mitchell's favorite Pokémon?
  • Koa wood would belong in what section of an Ahupua'a?
  • What are the two side of O'ahu?
    Windward and Leeward
  • What does "Moku" mean?
    District or Section
  • What does "Uka" mean?
  • What was Mr. Mitchell's favorite book series as a middle schooler?
    Hunger Games
    Percy Jackson
    Harry Potter
  • What was the first belief Hawaiian's had about their land?
    The land would provide everything you need to survive.
  • What does "Pua`a" mean?