
Mixed tenses

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  • While he ___ (jog) in the park, he ___ (think) about organizing the birthday party.
    was jogging + was thinking
  • I think I ___ (not / lose) my purse when I was in the shopping centre. I ___ (never / lose) anything in my life! Someone stole it.
    did not lose + have never lost
  • Jessica ___ (wear) a bright summer dress, when I ___ (see) her on the street.
    was wearing + saw
  • My father ___ (take) me to many wonderful places when I was younger. We ___ (travel) a lot together and we still have so many places we want to see.
    took + have travelled
  • A: Do you have any plans for the summer? B: I don't know yet. Perhaps, I ___ (buy) a ticket to Hawaii or something.
    will buy
  • ___ (you / ever / meet) someone famous?
    Have you ever met
  • A: Where's Jackie? B: She ___ (have) a shower, can you wait for a bit?
    is having
  • Oh! Listen to that song! I ___ (never / hear) anything so beautiful!
    have never heard
  • Of course! Don't worry, I ___ (come) to your wedding.
    will come
  • A: Where were you yesterday? Why did you not return my calls? B: Oh sorry, I ___ (play) games on my computer the whole evening.
    was playing
  • I told you I ___ (not / break) the window! ___ (you / believe) me now?
    didn't break + Do you believe
  • Our class ____ (already / write) three tests this week. When will it stop?
    has already written
  • My father ___ (fall) off the ladder while he ___ (paint) the ceiling.
    fell + was painting
  • Our family ___ (not / go) shopping on Fridays. My mum and I ___ (buy) the groceries on Mondays.
    doesn't go + buy
  • When we ___ (see) the spaceship we ___ (stop) the car.
    saw + stopped
  • My brother ___ (never / remember) to buy me a present on my brithday. It's a bit mean, to be honest with you.
    never remembers
  • Guess what! I ___ (just / buy) a brand new car!
    have just bought
  • My sister ___ (be) to London three times already. Actually, she ___ (leave) for another New York trip a few days ago.
    has been + left
  • A: ___ (you / see) the new Tarantino film? B: Yeah, I ___ (go) to the cinema to see it last Tuesday.
    Have you seen + went
  • Yesterday, on TV, they interviewed people on the street and one of them said: "I think that Mr Andrej Babiš ____ (win) the presidential election."
    will win
  • A: What ___ (you / do) tomorrow afternoon? B: I __ (meet) my friend for a dinner.
    are you doing + am meeting
  • I think I ___ (lose) that silver necklace from you when I ___ (swim) the other day.
    lost + was swimming
  • The phone is ringing. ___ (take / you) it, please?
    Will you take
  • A: When ___ (bus / leave) today? B: At 5 pm sharp, as usual.
    does the bus leave