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  • What are lines of longitude?
    The imaginary lines on a globe that show you the distance from the prime meridian
  • What are lines of latitude?
    The imaginary lines on a map or globe that show you the distance from the equator
  • What is an ocean?
    A large body of salt water
  • Describe a rural community
  • What is the symbol that shows you directions on a map?
    A compass rose
  • Talk about one community role and why it is important
  • What is a globe?
    a representation of the Earth in the shape of a sphere
  • What is a continent?
    one of the major land masses on Earth
  • How many oceans are there?
  • How is a map different than a globe?
    A map is flat and a globe is a sphere
  • How many continents are there?
  • Describe a suburban community
  • Describe an urban community.