
Gerunds Infinitives B2

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  • My mother promised ……. (cook) a lot of tasty things on my birthday.
    to cook
  • Don’t ask me to pay the bill. I clearly remembered (pay) it a week ago.
  • Many years ago, when I was a child, I remember to travel/travelling/travelled to California with my parents.
  • He was very forgetful. He never remembered (lock) the door of the garage.
    to lock
  • A stranger stopped ………… (smoke) on the corner of the street
    to smoke
  • I won a short film competition once. I’ll always remember it. FORGET I’ll ……………………… that short film competition.
    never forget winning
  • She remembers some moments from her childhood. She remembers (go) to school for the first time and (play) with schoolchildren in the school yard .
    going /playing
  • We stopped ... some food before continuing our journey. BUY/TO BUY/BUYING
    to buy
  • I must remember ... this assignment today. HAND IN /TO HAND IN/ HANDING IN
    to hand in
  • He denied ... the window. BREAK /TO BREAK /BREAKING
  • I remember ... here when I was a child. BEING/TO BE /BE
  • Did you remember (water) the flowers? – No, I didn’t. I will do it later.
    to water
  • I have stopped ... horror films because they give me nightmares. WATCH / TO WATCH/WATCHING
  • I forgot ... a newspaper. BUY /TO BUY/ BUYING
    to buy
  • Have you remembered ... the rubbish out? (put)
    to put
  • I played volleyball until I went to university. STOPPED I ……………………… I went to university.
    stopped playing volleyball when
  • Don’t forget ... to the computer first thing in the morning. (log on)
    to log on
  • We are looking forward to _______ you. SEE /TO SEE /SEEING
  • Do you remember (post) the letter? – Yes, I do. I remember quite clearly. I put the letter in the letter box near the post-office.
  • Tom likes ... new people. MEET/TO MEET /MEETING
  • Where is my book? Have you forgotten (borrow) it a week ago?
  • I remember ... this book. But I don't know who wrote it. READ/TO READ /READING
  • I'll never forget ... my favourite star! MEET /TO MEET /MEETING
  • I like ... to the dentist every six months. GO /TO GO/ GOING
    to go
  • I would like ... to that new restaurant. GO /TO GO / GOING
    to go
  • She offered ... me to the airport. TO TAKE /TAKE /TAKING
    to take
  • He stopped ... the tank with petrol, then continued driving. FILL /TO FILL/ FILLING
    to fill
  • I’d like ……… (travel) all over the world when I grow up.
    to travel
  • Start .... the dishwasher so that I can clean the kitchen table. (load up)
    to load up /loading up
  • I’ll never forget ... for the first time. It was so exciting. (fly)
  • Would you mind _______ the window? OPEN ?TO OPEN/ OPENING
  • I forgot _______ you yesterday. I'm sorry. CALL/TO CALL /CALLING
    to call
  • She likes …….. (cook) for our family. She is good at it.
  • Oh, no! I forgot ... the front door! LOCK /TO LOCK /LOCKING
    to lock
  • We saw this movie last month. Do you remember (see) it?
  • Clair likes ... . She says it's very exciting. SKI/TO SKI/ SKIING
  • I like ... my bills as soon as I get them. PAY / TO PAY / PAYING
    to pay
  • Get some batteries at the shop. Please don’t forget. REMEMBER Please ……………………… at the shop.
    remember to get some batteries
  • My dad had forgotten bringing/bring/to bring his driving licence.
    to bring
  • I'll never forget ... to your mother for the first time. TALK / TO TALK /TALKING
  • I think I didn't remember ... the door when we left. TO LOCK/LOCKING/LOCK
    to lock
  • Did you remember (buy) milk for the kitten? – Yes, I did. It is in my bag.
    to buy
  • Nick can’t stand ………. (repair) his old bicycle every month.
    to repair /repairing
  • She likes ... old-fashioned clothes. (collect)
  • I remember ... the camera in my bag last night, but it isn’t there now. (put)
  • You should ... to the dentist every six months. GO/TO GO/GOING
  • She forgot (bring) the salt. She left it on the kitchen table.
    to bring