
Harry Potter Challenge

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  • What are the Weasley twins called?
    Fred and George
  • What is Dumbledore's first name?
  • What is the name of Harry's School?
  • Who were Harry's Uncle and Aunt?
    Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia
  • Parseltongue tongue is the language which lets you speak to what animal?
  • What house does Harry belong to?
  • Who is this?
    Dobby the house-elf
  • What is the name of the second film?
    The Chamber of Secrets
  • Who is this?
    Neval Longbottom
  • What does the Polyjiuce Potion do?
    It changes the person who drinks it to look like someone else.
  • What does professor McGonigal turn into?
    A cat
  • Who makes Harry Potter's Wand?
  • What is the platform number at the station for the Hogwarts Express ?
    Platform 9 3/4
  • Who told Harry he was a wizard?
  • Who is Harry's Godfather?
    Sirius Black
  • What is the name of the three headed dog in the 3rd film?
  • What is Harrys Patronus?
    A stag
  • What is an "Auror's" job?
    Catches dark wizards.
  • Name the tree that the flying car hits in the 2nd Film?
    The Whomping Willow
  • What spell do you use to get light on the tip of your wand?
  • What is Filtch's cat named?
    Mrs. Norris
  • Who is head of Griffindore House?
    Professor McGonigal
  • What position does Harry play in Quidditch?
  • If someone is called a squib, what can they NOT do?
    They can't do magic.
  • What is the Gold Ball called in Quidditch?
    The snitch
  • What are None Wizzards and Witches called?
  • Who is this?
    Professor Quirrell
  • Who teaches Charms?
    Professor Flitwick
  • What was Ron's rat named?
  • What is the colour that Raven Slaw use?
    Blue and bronze
  • Who is this?
  • What animal did Peter Pettigrew turn into?
    A rat
  • What was the name of the fourth film?
    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • What class has a different teacher every year?
    Defence against the dark arts.
  • How many Harry Potter Films hav there been?
  • What is the Gryffindor house ghost Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington's nickname?
    Nearly Headless Nick
  • Who are Arther and Molly Weasley?
    Ron's parents
  • Who is this?
    Luna Lovegood
  • What animal is shown on the Hufflepuff House flag?
    A badger
  • Name 2 Different People who taught Defence Against the Dark Arts.
    Quirinus Quirrell, Gilderoy Lockhart, Remus Lupin, Bartemius Crouch Jr, Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody, Dolores Umbridge, Severus Snape, Amycus Carrow
  • What is the name of the game where players fly on brooms?
  • Who kills Dumbledore?
  • What is the name of the dark Wizard in Harry Potter?
    Lord Voldemort
  • Who is this?
    Bellatrix Lastrange