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  • Can you play the...?
    Yes, I can. No, I can't.
  • To say that you will not allow something; to say that you will not give or allow somebody something that they want or need
  • A narrow piece of material worn around the wrist, as a decoration, to take in sweat during exercise, or to show support for something.
  • An extra short performance given at the end of a concert or other performance; a request for this made by an audience calling out
  • What is your favorite singer?
  • What is your favorite type of music?
  • Music written in a Western musical tradition, usually using an established form (for example a symphony). ...... is generally considered to be serious and to have a lasting value
    Classical Music
  • A person who plays a musical instrument or writes music, especially as a job.
  • To take willingly something that is offered; to say ‘yes’ to an offer, invitation, etc.
  • What is your favorite song?
  • A person who writes music, especially classical music.
  • An object like a fence that prevents people from moving forward from one place to another
  • What is your favorite instrument?