
FM5 SU-R1 Phonics ch sh wh ph th

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  • Halloween riddle: I wear in black with a big hat and a cat. Who am I?
    a witch
  • Phil
    [ f ] [ㄈㄨ] Phil 哲學(縮寫)
  • teeth
    [ θ ] [ㄙ] teeth 牙齒
  • cheese
    [ tʃ ] [ㄑㄩ ] cheese 起司
  • shell
    [ ʃ ] [ㄒㄩ] shell 貝殼
  • shop
    [ ʃ ] [ㄒㄩ] shop 商店;購物
  • Say three words that sound [ f ] [ㄈㄨ] 請說出三個有 [ f ] [ㄈㄨ] 發音的單字
    photo / graph / elephant / dolphin
  • chair
    [ tʃ ] [ㄑㄩ ] chair 椅子
  • white
    [ W ] [ㄨㄛ] white 白色的
  • thin
    [ θ] [ㄙ] thin 瘦的
  • Say three words that sound [ ʃ ] [ㄒㄩ] 請說出三個有 [ ʃ ] [ㄒㄩ]發音的單字
    she / sheep / dish / Shan Shan
  • Halloween riddle: My cloak is red and black. I like to drink blood. Who am I?
    a vampire
  • chin
    [ tʃ ] [ㄑㄩ ] chin 下巴
  • Halloween riddle: I'm round and orange. My smile is strange. Who am I?
    a jack-o'-lantern
  • Say three words that sound [ tʃ ] [ㄑㄩ ] 請說出三個有 [ tʃ ] [ㄑㄩ ]發音的單字
    chip / lunch / sandwich
  • wheel
    [ W ] [ㄨㄛ] wheel 輪子
  • ship
    [ ʃ ] [ㄒㄩ] ship 船
  • this
    [ ð ] [ㄌ] this 這個
  • phone
    [ f ] [ㄈㄨ] phone 電話
  • Halloween riddle: I can't come outside because I am all wrapped up.
    a mummy
  • Say three words that sound [ θ] [ㄙ] 請說出三個有 [ θ] [ㄙ] 發音的單字
    three / thunder / bath / math
  • Halloween riddle: Day and night. My bones are white. Who am I?
    a skeleton
  • that
    [ ð ] [ㄌ] that 那個
  • Halloween riddle: I am scary and white. You can see me at night. Booo, booooo! Who am I?
    a ghost