
Review Unit 3 Rocks, Rock Cycle, Soil

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  • Imagine a picture of rock. It has different color. The crystals are in stripes or bands. The rock is an example of …….
    Metamorphic rock (Gneiss)
  • Name the process in the rock cycle that change magma into igneous rock.
    Cooling and solidification
  • Name at least three things that cause erosion.
    Wind, water, ice, gravity.
  • Name the process in the rock cycle that change back the rock into magma.
  • One example of igneous rock that formed quickly is …..
    Basalt or Obsidian or Scoria
  • Which types of soil is the best to grow plant and why?
    Loam, because it has lots of organic matter and good drainase.
  • Which rock has layers and fossils?
  • Name the process in the rock cycle that change all types of rock into sediments.
    Weathering and erosion
  • Slate is an example of …… rock.
    Metamorphic rock
  • Mention name and type of this rock. How do you it?
    Limestone, Sedimentary rock. Layers and White color
  • Which type of igneous rock formed slowly?
  • Explain ways to make soil better and what damage the soil.
    Better : using compost and dig the soil regularly, Damage : Pesticide and artificial ferlizer.
  • What cause existing rocks change into metamorphic rock?
    Burial, heat, and pressure
  • I am a rock. My color is dark grey, I have layers, I am easy to sracth. What am I?
  • Which types of soil has the most organic matter? How do we know it?
    Loam, the color is dark.
  • Mention three characteristics of clay soil.
    The particles are small, the spaces between particles are small, it holds water (waterlogged), or dries out and cracks.
  • Name three types of rocks based on how they formed.
    Igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic.
  • Basalt is an example of …… rock.
    Extrusive igneous rock.
  • Name 5 stages of sedimentary rocks formation.
    Weathering, erosion, transportion, deposition, sedimentation.
  • Imagine a picture of rock. The color is orange, it has layers. The rock is an example of …….
    Sedimentary rock (Sandstone)
  • Mention three characteristics of sandy soil.
    The particles are large, the spaces between particles are large, water can drain easily.
  • Name at least three things that cause weathering.
    Temperature, wind, water, rain, ice, roots.
  • How do we know granite is intrusive igneous rock?
    It has large crystall, the color is more than one.
  • Where will the sediments deposit?
    Sea bed, lake bed, sea bottom.
  • Name one example of each igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock.
  • Name three types of soil.
    Sandy, clay, and loam.
  • Which rock that is cystalline and vesicular?
  • Name two type of fossils.
    Mould and cast
  • Mantion name and type of this rock. How do you know it?
    Granite, Intrusive igneous rock. Crystalline (more than 1 color)
  • When limestone get heated, it will change into …..
  • Which rock that is hard and shiny?
  • All rocks can be sediments. True or false?