
reported questions

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  • Mark and Paul to the group: What did we miss?
    They asked them what they had missed.
  • Lila: can I hold the baby? (whether)
    She asked whether/if she could hold the baby
  • Mark: is somebody going to call the police? (whether)
    Mark asked if/whether somebody was going to call the police.
  • Martha to Paul: "who are you?"
    She asked him who he was.
  • Paul to Martha: do I know you? (whether)
    He asked her if/whether he knew her.
  • Susan: has she been to Peru? (whether)
    She asked if/whether she had been to Peru.
  • Susan: what time does the train leave?
    she asked what time the train left.
  • Jenny to Spencer: Did you like working in sales last year? (whether)
    She asked him if/whether he had liked working in sales the previous year.
  • Susan to Clara: What did you see?
    she asked her what she had seen.
  • Claire: did you bring your passports? (whether)
    She wanted to know whether/if we had brought our passports.
  • Laura: have you finished the project yet? (whether)
    She asked us whether we'd finished the project yet.
  • Mark to Paul: Do you need anything? (whether)
    he asked him if/whether he needed anything
  • Lucy: what time did the train leave yesterday?
    She asked me what time the train had left the day before.
  • Suzie to Clint: has she ever been to London? (whether)
    She asked him if/whether she had ever been to London.