
Active & Passive Voices

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  • Convert "The dinner is prepared by her" into an active voice.
    "She prepares dinner."
  • They are going to trim the grass in the evening.
    Active voice
  • Pizza was eaten by the hungry kids after a long day at SMAAASH!
    Passive voice
  • Convert "The boys played Rocket League" into a passive voice.
    "Rocket League was played by the boys."
  • Tom and Jerry chased each other around the house.
    Active voice
  • Jake went for a swim.
    Active voice
  • What is the passive counterpart of "What do you want?"
    "What is wanted by you?"
  • The table was set by John.
    Passive voice
  • What is the passive counterpart of "Did no one help you?"
    "Were you not helped [by anyone]?"
  • A poem was written by me.
    Passive voice