
CME2 U1 L1

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  • 餐厅
    cāntīng dining room
  • 长长
    grow longer(zhángcháng)
  • 游泳池
    swimming pool (yóuyǒngchí)
  • 楼房
    lóufáng - multi-story building
  • 开车
    kāi chē - to drive a car
  • 厨房
    kitchen (chúfáng)
  • 椅子
    chair (yǐzi)
  • 一共
    yígòng altogether
  • 卧室
    bedroom (wòshì)
  • 牛仔裤
    niú zǎi kù - jeans
  • 左边
    zuǒ biān - left
  • 搬进
    move into (bānjìn)
  • xīn - new
  • zhuàng - measure word for buildings
  • 右边
    ( yòu biān ) right side
  • 房子
    fáng zi - house
  • 房间
    fáng jiān - room
  • 搬出
    bān chū - to move out
  • to wish (zhù)
  • 餐桌
    dining table (cān zhuō)
  • 书房
    shū fáng - study room
  • 洗手间
    xǐ shǒu jiān - bathroom
  • 车库
    chē kù - garage
  • 搬家
    bān jiā - to move (one's residence)
  • 里面
    lǐmian - inside
  • 洋房
    yáng fáng - Western-style house
  • 浴室
    yùshì - bathroom, shower room
  • 客厅
    living room (kètīng)
  • 客房
    kè fáng - guest room
  • céng - measure word for floors