
Culture Shock Quiz

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  • In which country is it considered offensive to leave a tip after a meal? • USA? • Japan? • Brazil?
  • When meeting someone in a business context in France, what should you avoid doing? • Using first names, if meeting someone for the first time? • Making eye contact? • Asking about family?
    Using first names, if meeting someone for the first time
  • What Is Culture Shock?
    Feelings of uncertainty, confusion, or anxiety that people may experience when moving to a new country or experiencing a new culture.
  • What is reverse culture shock?
    An emotional and psychological stage of re-adjustment, similar to your initial adjustment to living abroad.
  • In which country does nodding your head up and down mean ‘no’? • Bulgaria? • Russia? • Thailand?
  • In Dubai • Coffee is served at the beginning of the meeting? • The exchange of business cards is simultaneous? • Your meeting may be interrupted for prayer?
    Your meeting may be interrupted for prayer?
  • Which of these should you avoid in China? • Silence during conversations? • Touching and physical contact? • Speaking about family?
    Touching and physical contact
  • Is the OK sign offensive in Japan?
  • When delegating tasks to an Indian colleague, s/he responds to all your questions with a ‘yes’. This means: • s/he is showing respect? • s/he understands completely? • s/he will do as you ask?
    s/he is showing respect
  • During a business meeting in Thailand, you avoid: • Wearing black? • If you are a man; crossing your left ankle over your right knee? • Pointing to a statue of Buddha? • Having silent pauses during a conversation?
    • Wearing black. If you are a man; crossing your left ankle over your right knee. Pointing to a statue of Buddha.
  • In South Korea, you should never write people’s names in which color? • Red? • Green? • Purple?
  • In which of these countries is it expected that you always raise your glass lower than your senior manager? • Italy? • Argentina? • South Korea?
    South Korea
  • What is "Jet lag"?
    Jet lag is a common but short-lived sleep problem you can get after traveling across more than two time zones.
  • A prospective client, in Japan, gives you her business card. What should you do?
    Receive it with both hands and carefully study its details before putting it away
  • When talking with members of your team who do not speak your language as your first language, what do you do? • Speak more loudly and slowly than usual?• Speak naturally but avoid using jargon, colloquial language and idioms?
    Speak naturally but avoid using jargon, colloquial language and idioms that may be difficult to understand
  • You have arrived at a business meeting in South Korea and you are meeting the company’s president. You should: • Look him in the eye and extend your hand for a handshake? • Nod your head ? • Bow and wait for him to initiate the handshake?
    Bow and wait for him to initiate the handshake
  • You are meeting clients , where you understand they have a relaxed attitude to time. When do you aim to arrive for your meetings? • A few minutes early, as you would at home?• Five to ten minutes late?
    A few minutes early, as you would at home?
  • In which country you should never eat all the food on your plate, as it implies that the host did not provide enough food? • Italy? • China? • India?
  • In which country is the number 4 considered unlucky? • Iran? • Brazil? • China?
  • You are speaking at a business meeting and the Japanese delegate closes his/her eyes. What does this mean? • S/he is tired, maybe suffering from jet lag? • S/he is disengaged? • s/he is concentrating and listening hard?
    s/he is concentrating and listening hard
  • When conducting business in Germany, is it best to: • Buy local beer and take it to a meeting as a gift? • Not waste anyone’s time; be punctual and direct? • Give out your business cards to everybody?
    • Not waste anyone’s time; be punctual and direct
  • Slurping your soup loudly is NOT considered rude in: • France? • Japan? • The United Kingdom?
  • What color is best for business cards in China? • Green? • Black? • Gold?