
Pronunciation Practice

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  • Steve keeps the keys beneath the seat.
    stiːv kiːps ðə kiːz bɪˈniːθ ðə siːt.
  • pan
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  • garden
  • look
  • point
  • shut
  • cause
  • knife
  • women
  • These clothes are perfect for sunbathing, but this weather isn't.
    ðiːz kləʊðz ɑː ˈpɜːfɪkt fɔː ˈsʌnˌbeɪðɪŋ, bʌt ðɪs ˈweðər ˈɪznt.
  • fur
  • cart
  • A man in a black hat with a bag of cash in his hand.
    ə mæn ɪn ə blæk hæt wɪð ə bæg ɒv kæʃ ɪn hɪz hænd.
  • fool
  • fond
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  • Clever Trevor drove a van to Venice.
    ˈklevə ˈtrevə drəʊv ə væn tuː ˈvenɪs.
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  • Sid's kids knew where Sid hid the biscuit tin.
    sɪdz kɪdz njuː weə sɪd hɪd ðə ˈbɪskɪt tɪn.
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  • cabbage
  • coin
  • many
  • figure
  • weather
  • road
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  • Alex's lettuces tasted like cabbages.
    ˈæləksɪz ˈletɪsɪz ˈteɪstɪd laɪk ˈkæbɪʤɪz.
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  • Ron dropped a rock on his watch.
    rɒn drɒpt ə rɒk ɒn hɪz wɒʧ.
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  • I ate an apple and a banana in a cinema in Canada.
    aɪ et ən ˈæpl ænd ə bəˈnɑːnə ɪn ə ˈsɪnəmə ɪn ˈkænədə.
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  • It's hard to park a car in a dark car park.
    ɪts hɑːd tuː pɑːk ə kɑːr ɪn ə dɑːk kɑː pɑːk.
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  • pear
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  • couch
  • Mr Porter's sister Rita buys the pasta by the metre.
    ˈmɪstə ˈpɔːtəz ˈsɪstə ˈriːtə baɪz ðə ˈpæstə baɪ ðə ˈmiːtə.
  • receipt
  • lettuce
  • Roy enjoys noisy toys.
    rɔɪ ɪnˈʤɔɪz ˈnɔɪzi tɔɪz.
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  • grade
  • laugh
  • doubt
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  • cow
  • fair-haired
  • ham
  • Penny went to post a parcel and paid a pound to park.
    ˈpɛni wɛnt tuː pəʊst ə ˈpɑːsl ænd peɪd ə paʊnd tuː pɑːk.
  • scene
  • Grapefruit tastes so bitter; toast and butter's better.
    ˈgreɪpˌfruːt teɪsts səʊ ˈbɪtə; təʊst ænd ˈbʌtəz ˈbetə.
  • vet
  • police
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  • Mr Porter's older daughter boils it all in tubs of water.
    ˈmɪstə ˈpɔːtəz ˈəʊldə ˈdɔːtə bɔɪlz ɪt ɔːl ɪn tʌbz ɒv ˈwɔːtə.
  • key
  • Mr Porter loves his pasta. No one else can eat it faster.
    ˈmɪstə ˈpɔːtə lʌvz hɪz ˈpæstə. nəʊ wʌn ɛls kæn iːt ɪt ˈfɑːstə.
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  • correct
  • open
  • floor
  • The first word the girl heard was 'bird'.
    ðə fɜːst wɜːd ðə gɜːl hɜːd wɒz bɜːd.
  • David's daughter didn't dance, but David's dad did.
    ˈdeɪvɪdz ˈdɔːtə dɪdnt dɑːns, bʌt ˈdeɪvɪdz dæd dɪd.
  • wear
  • three
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  • breathe
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  • word
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  • wolf
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  • The plane was delayed so we waited and played.
    ðə pleɪn wɒz dɪˈleɪd səʊ wiː ˈweɪtɪd ænd pleɪd.
  • dared
  • coast
  • type
  • pull
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  • Rose knows Joe phones Sophie, but Sophie and Joe don't know Rose knows.
    rəʊz nəʊz ˈʤəʊ fəʊnz ˈsəʊfi, bʌt ˈsəʊfi ænd ˈʤəʊ dəʊnt nəʊ rəʊz nəʊz.
  • Thomas
  • address
  • The boy bought a blue bike but his new blue bike broke.
    ðə bɔɪ bɔːt ə bluː baɪk bʌt hɪz njuː bluː baɪk brəʊk.
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  • Martha and Thelma both have birthdays on the third of the month.
    ˈmɑːθə ænd ˈθelmə bəʊθ hæv ˈbɜːθdeɪz ɒn ðə θɜːd ɒv ðə mʌnθ.
  • Mrs Brown counted the cows coming down the mountain.
    ˈmɪsɪz braʊn ˈkaʊntɪd ðə kaʊz ˈkʌmɪŋ daʊn ðə ˈmaʊntɪn.
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  • recipe
  • tube
  • banana
  • aim
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  • with
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  • target
  • 'It's best to rest,' said the vet to the pet.
    ɪts best tuː rest,' sed ðə vet tuː ðə pet.
  • Freda found four frogs laughing on the floor.
    Freda faʊnd fɔː frɒgz ˈlɑːfɪŋ ɒn ðə flɔː.
  • Mike's wife buys Mike's bike lights.
    maɪks waɪf baɪz maɪks baɪk laɪts.
  • much
  • post
  • orange
  • cupboard
  • sugar
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  • walk
  • Sarah and Mary share their pears fairly.
    ˈseərə ænd ˈmeəri ʃeə ðeə peəz ˈfeəli.
  • soup
  • psychology
  • heart
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  • support
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  • head
  • comb
  • leaf
  • Laura thought she saw her daughter falling in the water.
    ˈlɔːrə θɔːt ʃiː sɔː hɜː ˈdɔːtə ˈfɔːlɪŋ ɪn ðə ˈwɔːtə.