
Idioms with Parts of the Body

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  • at the tip of my tongue
    I can almost remember it, but not quite
  • cost an arm and a leg
    very expensive; high-priced, though possibly not worth the cost
  • an old hand at something
    a person with a lot of experience in something
  • to have a shoulder to cry on
    someone who gives you sympathy when you are upset
  • learn sth by heart
    to memorize sth
  • to have cold feet
    to hesitate because of fear or uncertainty
  • a finger in every pie
    to be involved in many matters although it is not your business
  • the wall has ears
    be careful when you say sth as other people can hear it as well
  • many hands make light work
    a lot of people helping makes a job easier
  • to know sth like the back of your hand
    to know sth very well
  • to break one's heart
    hurt somebody deeply
  • to look down your nose at
    to feel superior to
  • to give sy a cold shoulder
    to ignore someone
  • off the top of my head
    without thinking about sth carefully
  • I'm all ears
    I'm listening