
History 6: Athens vs Sparta

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  • What is LIMITED democracy?
    It's when ONLY free MEN can vote. (Not women, children, or slaves.)
  • What does POLYTHEISM mean?
    It means the belief in MANY GODS.
  • What was the FOCUS/EMPHASIS of social life in Ancient Sparta?
    Military training.
  • Who was PERICLES? Tell us TWO things about him.
    Athenian politician+general, built Parthenon on Acropolis, made Delian League powerful empire, said only IDIOTS don't participate in government.
  • Name TWO THINGS that were NOT allowed in Ancient Sparta.
    Trade, travel, political parties, class mobility, etc.
  • What does PHILOSOPHY mean?
    It means the "LOVE of WISDOM".
  • What was an Ancient Greek city state called? Name one English word we get from it.
    It was called a POLIS. (plural: POLEIS) Police, policy, politics, politician, etc.
  • What is a TOTALITARIAN society?
    No personal freedom, strict obedience to the state, centralized control of the state, opposing cultural and political expressions suppressed.
  • What is a GOLDEN AGE?
    It's a civilization's PEAK (highest/best point in history).
  • What is DIRECT democracy?
    The citizens vote DIRECTLY (themselves) on each issue, instead of ELECTING representatives to do it for them (like we do today).
  • What's the most famous building from Ancient Athens?
    It's the PARTHENON on the Acropolis.