
Idioms with weather

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  • to be under the weather
    not feeling well
  • to get wind of
    to receive information about sth indirectly
  • calm before the storm
    a period of peace before a crisis
  • to have one's head in the clouds
    not paying attention or daydreaming; to have unrealistic ideas
  • it's raining cats and dogs
    It's raining heavily
  • save it for a rainy day
    keep something i.e. money for a time when it is needed
  • a snowball's chance in hell
    little or no chance to succeed
  • steal someone's thunder
    take the attention away from someone, usually to your own advantage
  • to make a storm in a teacup
    a lot of fuss over something small (Don't worry about those two arguing. it's just a storm in a teacup.)
  • every cloud has a silver lining.
    Be optimistic, even difficult times will lead to better days.
  • a fair-weather friend
    a person who is only a friend in good times
  • break the ice
    to make a start by overcoming initial difficulties