
בּראשׁית Trivia

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  • What kind of animal told חוה that it was okay not to listen to Hashem and that her and אדם could take fruit from the עץ הדעת (Tree Of Knowledge)
    A נחשׁ: snake.
  • True or False: Hashem told אדם and חוה that they could eat from any tree or bush in גן עדן except for one called the עץ הדעת (Tree of Knowledge)
  • True or False: On יום חמישׁי Day Number Five Hashem created people and matzah.
    FALSE. Hashem created ציפּורים (birds) and דגים (fish)
  • What consequence did Hashem give to אדם and חוה for eating from the tree?
    They had to leave the beautiful גן עדן
  • What did Hashem create on יום שׁלישׁי: Day Number Three?
    Trees, flowers, grass. (growing things)
  • What did Hashem create on יום ראשׁון?
    יום ולילה : day and night
  • True or False: On יום שׁני Day Number Two, Hashem created the sky and water.
  • What were the names of the very first human beings that were created? (This was on יום שׁישׁי: Day Number Six)
    אדם and חוה (Adam and Chava)
  • What is the name of both the very first פּרשׁה and ספר? (Hint: it's the same!)
  • Can you name two things that Hashem created on יום רביעי: Day Number Four?
    שׁמשׁ ירח כּוכבים (sun, moon, stars)