
CIM Meeting 14/10

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  • Are you on target with your classes?
  • Do you keep track of the students who do and don’t do their homework? How? (why is this necessary?)
  • There’s a broken chair in your class – what should you do?
  • Did anyone find a bag of spare elastics for the folders that we gave out in their box of folders?
    If so, give it to Nikki!
  • What should you do if you want photocopies? Where will you find them?
  • Think of your favourite class – why do you like them? what happens in that class?
  • When’s the next holiday?!!
  • What “warmer” did you do in your last class?
  • You’re stuck for ideas for a class of adults - where can you find materials?
  • Do you think your students know each other’s names? Why don’t you check in the next class? If not, what can you do?
  • What would you do if a student misses a lot of classes?
  • Have you got any very small classes? And any big ones? How do you adapt?
  • Do you know where your doctor is? (ie. have you registered with a doctor in Seville?)
  • You’re stuck for ideas for a class of 12 year-olds – where can you find materials?
  • Have you had any problems with Gesio?
  • Do you have any problems with a student’s behaviour?
  • Are you still missing any material – books? passwords? etc?
  • What have you done about any students who are on your registers but haven’t been to class?
  • What do you have to do before the end of each class? Do you do it?
  • You’re worried about a student’s level – what should you do?
  • What time does the school open in the afternoons?