
* English Grammar Basics

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  • part of speech that describes a noun eg: "It was a big dog."
    What is an ADJECTIVE?
  • part of speech that comes before a noun phrase and shows relationship between that noun phrase and another element (relationships of time, location, purpose etc)
    What is a PREPOSITION?
  • part of speech that names a person, place, thing, quality, quantity or concept
    What is a NOUN?
  • word that modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb eg: quickly, really, very
    What is an ADVERB?
  • a ______ starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop/period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!)
  • It can be pronounced as "for example"
    What is e.g.?
  • word that joins or connects two parts of a sentence eg: Ron likes tea and coffee.
    What is a CONJUCTION?
  • determiner that introduces a noun phrase as definite (the) or indefinite (a/an)
    What is an ARTICLE?
  • form of a noun is used to refer to one person or thing.
    What is SINGULAR?
  • expresses a higher degree of quality or attribute of an adjective or adverb. (e.g. faster, more polite)
    What is COMPARATIVE?
  • word that describes the subject's action or state. eg: (to) work, (to) love, (to) begin
    What is a VERB?
  • tense used to talk about an action or situation that occurred in the past eg: "I lived in Paris for 10 years"
    What is PAST TENSE?
  • of a noun or form indicating more than one person or thing. eg: bananas, spoons, trees
    What is PLURAL?
  • standard marks such as commas, periods and question marks within a sentence eg: , . ? ! - ; :
    What is PUNCTUATION?
  • adjective or adverb that describes the extreme degree of something eg: happiest, most quickly
    What is SUPERLATIVE?