
Pirates Past Noon Chapters 1-2

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  • What kind of ship has a black flag with a skull and crossbones?
    A pirate ship.
  • When Jack and Annie first got to the island, what did they do? a) They followed Polly to the water. b) They saw a pirate flag. c) They hid the book about Pennsylvania. d) They met Morgan.
    They followed Polly to the water.
  • What was the picture of in the book that was open in the tree house?
    sunny beach, parrot, palm tree, ship sailing on the sea
  • What two things did Jack and Annie gather during their other adventures?
    leather bookmark, gold medallion
  • What did the ship’s flag look like that was coming toward the island?
    Black, crossbones, skull
  • What was Annie wearing when she waded into the water?
    Her rain boots.
  • What did the parrot say to Jack and Annie?
    "Too late"