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  • What is October's birthstone? It symbolizes faithfulness, purity & hope!
  • How many days are there in the month of October
  • This popular October drink is made from pressing apples.
  • This orange (and sometimes yellow) flower is one of Octobers birth flowers.
  • This famous Spanish painter was born on October 25, 1881.
    Pablo Picasso
  • What unpopular holiday occurs on the second Monday of the month?
    Columbus Day - Being replaced by Indigenous People's Day
  • What do children say before they are given candy on Halloween??
    Trick or Treat
  • What Bavarian festival ends the first week of October?
  • What two zodiacs signs fall under the month of October? Hint... scale + poison
    Libra and Scorpio
  • What do we called a pumpkin with a face carved into to?
  • This former (39th) president of the US was born on October 1, 1924. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.
    Jimmy Carter
  • October used to be the 8th month of the year.  True or False?
    True. Oct = 8. In 451 BC January and February were added to the calendar making October the 10th month.
  • What famous guitarist shares a birthday with Emily on October 16th? Hint - Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • The Saxons called October Wyn Monath. Monath = Month. What does Wyn mean? Whine, Wind, or Wine?
    Wine - It was the month of wine making!  Cheers!!!
  • What famous escape artist died on October 31, 1926?
    Harry Houdini
  • This world-famous Indian political and spiritual leader was born in October in 1869. He is known for his nonviolent resistance to British rule.
    Mahatma Gandhi