
Animal Groups

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  • Name a difference between a frog and a chicken.
    One has 4 stages and the other 3
  • Name a similarity between life cycles of a frog and a butterfly.
    They both have the same number of stages, they both hatch from eggs, they don't look like their parents.
  • Name a difference between frog and butterfly life cycle.
    The young of a frog can swim and has gills (lives in water), while caterpillar lives on land.
  • Eggs are laid by the butterfly on leaves. What stage is this?
  • How many stages are in the life cycle of a chicken? What are they?
    egg - young - adult
  • A tadpole hatches from an egg. It has gills. What stage is this?
  • They are warm blooded.
    Mammals and Birds
  • Penguins cannot fly but they are birds, why?
    Because they have feathers, a bill/beak and two legs.
  • • It breathes with gills. • It does not have antennae. • It lays eggs. What animal groups can those be?
    amphibians or fish
  • Why are dolphins and whales not fish?
    They breathe with lungs, not with gills. They are mammals
  • The froglet grows legs and webbed feet. Lungs develop. What stage is this?
  • They reproduce by giving birth to live young.
  • A caterpillar forms a pupa or chrysalis. What stage is this?
  • What are the 3 body parts of an insect?
    Head, thorax and abdomen
  • They are cold blooded.
    Amphibians, Reptiles, Insects, Fish
  • Fish have these to help them swim and breathe underwater.
    Fins, tail and gills