
Social Skills with Hart

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  • He didn't know what the teacher said. He feels_______.
    Confused, Unsure
  • It is his birthday. How is he feeling?
    Excited! Happy! In a great mood!
  • Mr Hart has a_________.
  • She wants to use the computer. She is____.
    Mean, Rude, Not Cool, Wait your turn
  • Make sure you have___________hands at school.
    Nice Hands!!!!
  • Daniel is________________.
    Making a chocolate cake.
  • Saying nice things makes you fell________.
  • How is Princeton feeling?
    Happy! Excited! In a good mood!
  • They don't like each other. What should they do?
    Walk away, Take a break, find a teacher
  • How is Mr. Hart feeling?
    Hurt, Injured, His neck hurts
  • How is Alex feeling?
    Happy! Excited!
  • How is he feeling?
    Angry, Upset, Stressed
  • Mr. Hart gave him homework for the weekend. How is he feeling?
    Angry, Upset, Annoyed
  • He went to bed at 1:00 am. How is he feeling?
    Tired, Exhausted, Sleepy
  • What is Daniel doing?
    He is doing the dishes.