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  • = the activity of telling the public about a product, job or service việc quảng cáo
    advertising (n) 
  • be unaware or unrealistic about something (không thực tế)
    have one's head in the clouds
  • not unless I'm dead and can't stop you
    over my dead body
  • To be restless and have a strong desire to travel.
    Itchy feet. (cuồng chân)
  • To say nasty things about someone when they are not there.
    To stab someone in the back. (đâm sau lưng ai)
  • To be pregnant.
    To have a bun in the oven.
  • do something without a plan
    play something by ear (làm việc không theo kế hoạch)
  • To ignore something that you know is wrong.
    Turn a blind eye. (mắt nhắm mắt mở cho qua)
  • an important part of something đặc điểm (điểm đặc biệt)
    feature (n) 
  • to accept that something is legal, true, or important = nhận ra/ công nhận
    to recognize (v)
  • a lot of things (đầy đồ) 
    to be full of stuff 
  • relax, have fun
    let one's hair down
  • = in conclusion
    on the whole
  • a style in art, design, and theatre that uses the smallest range of materials and colours possible, and only very simple shapes or forms chủ nghĩa tối giản
    minimalism (n) 
  • with the upper part where the lower part should be; in or into an inverted position. = bị lộn ngược
    to be upside down  
  • be very expensive
    cost an arm and a leg
  • = a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service mẩu quảng cáo
    advertisement (n) 
  • Extremely quickly.
    In the blink of an eye. (trong nháy mắt)
  • to remove something that you do not want any longer = bỏ cái gì đó
    get rid of sth 
  • a lot of something
    a pile of something