
House on Mango Street

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  • What did Esperanza buy with her two new friends?
    A bicycle.
  • With who in her family does Esperanza share the same name?
    Her great-grandmother.
  • What did Mom and Dad promise Esperanza they would have one day?
    A home with working appliances and a fancy staircase.
  • Why did Esperanza's family have to leave the previous home?
    The water pipe broke and the landlord wouldn't fix it.
  • What does Esperanza compare her father's hair to?
    A broom.
  • What did Esperanza's grandmother spend most of her life doing?
    Staring out the window longingly.
  • What does Mama's hair smell like?
    Fresh bread.
  • What is Cathy the queen of?
  • Why can't Esperanza be friends with Nenny?
    She is too young.
  • What animal does Esperanza compare her great-grandmother to?
    A wild horse.
  • Which number does Esperanza compare her name to?
  • What name does Esperanza wish she could give herself?
    Zeke the X.
  • How did Esperanza feel after she pointed out her home to the nun?
  • Why is Cathy moving out of her apartment?
    She doesn't like the type of people that are moving into the neighborhood.
  • Where do Lucy and Rachel come from?
  • Who does Cathy warn Esperanza to stay away from?
    Joe the baby-grabber.
  • What is similar between Esperanza and Nenny?
    Their laughter.
  • What object does Esperanza compare herself too in the Boys & Girls vignette?
    A red ballon tied to an anchor.