
Active - Passive

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  • Egyptians built the Pyramids without the help of machinery.
    The Pyramids were built (by Egyptians) without the help of machinery.
  • Have they bought ice-cream for dessert?
    Has ice-cream been bought for dessert?
  • Indians did not invent paper.
    Paper wasn't invented by Indians.
  • We haven't washed the dishes yet.
    The dishes haven't been washed yet.
  • People have used dogs to guard farms for centuries.
    Dogs have been used to guard farms for centuries.
  • They don't make LEGO out of wood.
    LEGO isn't made out of wood.
  • They water the flowers every day.
    Flowers are watered every day.
  • They created the most beautiful music in the 17th century.
    The most beautiful music was created in the 17th century.
  • Greece exports olive oil.
    Olive oil is exported by Greece.
  • They will built a new eco-friendly city near Dubai.
    A new eco-friendly city will be built near Dubai.
  • We won't finish this work on time.
    This work won't be finished on time.
  • You can't use this computer to go online.
    This computer can't be used to go online.
  • They are painting the kitchen now.
    The kitchen is being painted now.
  • The teachers are looking after the kids at the moment.
    The kids are being looked after by the teachers at the moment.