
Device-Free Moments (2nd grade)

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  • Can pictures that you post online be easily reshared by others?
  • Why is it NOT ok for people to text and drive at the same time?
    It's unsafe, you can't pay attention to traffic, it's illegal, you don't want to hurt somebody accidentally.
  • What is OKAY to share online?
    Pictures of your family
    your passwords
    Pictures of your pet
    Pictures of your house
  • When you are online, is it safe to tell people where you live?
  • Give an example of a time when you should NOT have a device out because you need to concentrate and give full attention to a specific activity.
    When doing homework, reading, doing a craft
  • Is it safe to walk outside while playing on your device?
  • When you are online, is it safe to tell people what kind of ice cream you like?
  • Is it important to have device-free moments in your life? (Yes or NO?)
  • Is it OK to share your password with your best friend?
  • Is it important to put devices away at night when it is time to go to sleep? (yes or no)
  • Give an example of a time when it would be better to NOT use your device?
    at school, at church, at the dinner table, when you should be asleep, right before bedtime
  • Something that keeps you from giving your full attention is (which of the following?)
    super focused
    a distraction
  • Which would be a good choice for SCREEN-FREE time (no electronics allowed)?
    Play outside
    Watch TV
    Play on a tablet
    Play video games
  • Which would be a good choice for SCREEN-FREE time (no electronics allowed)?
    Watch TV
    Play with Legos
    Secretly play with tablet in the closet
    Whine and complain until screen-free time is done
  • What did Wyatt miss out on because he was too busy playing on his tablet?
    playing with his friends, fishing, cookies
  • What is something you should NOT share online?
    your shoe size
    Your full name
    your favorite sport
    your favorite food
  • What did Cami miss out on because she was too busy watching videos?
    playing with friends, cookies
  • When you are online, should you tell people (that you don't know) what school you go to?
  • If your friend is talking to you, should you pause your game, look at your friend and listen to what he or she is trying to say? (yes or no)
  • When you notice something or someone as important, you give them your _________.
    time, but only 5 seconds
  • When you are online, is it safe to tell people what sports you play?