
Among the Hidden Chap. 17-25 review

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  • Fill in the Blank (Chap. 22): "Oh, good!" she _____________ him. "You can get the ________________ battle plans. I was afraid we were just going to have to pick you up Thursday night and ________ ________ _____ then."
    greeted, advance, fill you in
  • Chap 20: What was Luke’s dad researching at the library?
    Luke's dad was researching about hydroponics at the library.
  • Chap. 20: Why was Luke’s dad in the house a lot during the winter?
    Luke's dad is in the house during winter because he doesn't have hogs to take care of anymore.
  • Chapt. 18: Who created the chat room and how is it protected?
    Jen created the chatroom and it is protected by a password.
  • Chap. 20: Who is against fake I.D.’s and why?
    Jen is against fake I.D.'s because she feels like shadow children should not have to find their identity.
  • Chap. 21: Where did Jen’s mom take her when she was younger? With who?
    When Jen was younger, her mom would take her on play dates with other shadow children.
  • Chap 17: How did Jen learn about fingerprints?
    Her brother, Brawn, wanted to be a detective before, so he had a fingerprint kit. Jen used it to dust for Luke's fingerprints and scanned them on the computer.
  • Chap. 21: Why couldn’t Luke’s dad get a permit for hydroponics?
    Luke's dad can't get a permit because it is illegal to grow things indoors.
  • Fill in the blank (Chap 17) : That is what the ___________________ thinks, but they're ___________. My dad says there's ___________ of food, it's just not ___________________ right.
    government, wrong, plenty, distributed
  • Chap. 25: Why was Luke up so early the next morning?
    Luke was up early the next morning because he needed to clean Jen's muddy footprints from the stairs.
  • Chap. 22: When Luke starts to say he hopes the rally works, what does Jen say to him?
    Jen says that "Hope doesn't mean anything. Action is the only thing that counts."
  • Chap. 17: Why did the government pass the population law?
    The government passed the Population Law because they were worried that there wouldn't be enough food if the population continued to grow.
  • Chap 20: What month is the rally going to be held?
    The rally will be in April.
  • Chap 23: Who notices that Luke is upset when they get home?
    Luke's mom notices that he is upset when she comes home.
  • Chap. 21: Why did the government make pets illegal?
    The government says there is not enough food for people to have pets.
  • Chapt. 18: Who does Luke meet in the chat room?(Hint: three people)
    Carlo, Seth, and Yara
    Caleb, Saul, and Yolando
    Carla, Shawn, and Yancy
    Carlos, Sean, and Yolanda
  • Fill in the Blank (Chap 23): Luke _____________ his face in his hands, trying to hide from his own _______________
    buried, thoughts
  • Chap 25: Why is Luke listening to the radio?
    Luke is listening to the radio because he wants to know if there is any news about the rally.
  • Chap 21: Did Luke think his brothers would ever turn him in?
    No, Luke felt like his brothers would never turn him into the government.
  • Fill in the Blank (Chap. 20): Jen turned back to the computer ________ room, where everyone was ________________ fake I.D.'s.
    chat, debating
  • Chapt 19: In Luke’s country, how many calories were the people allowed to eat each day?
    They are allowed to eat 1,200 calories a day.
    They are allowed to eat 2,000 calories a day.
    They are allowed to eat 900 calories a day.
    They are allowed to eat 1,500 calories a day.
  • Chapt. 18: How many kids does Jen contact using the chat room?
    Jen has contact with about 800 kids.
    Jen has contact with about 730 kids.
    Jen has contact with about 650 kids.
    Jen has contact with about 500 kids.
  • Fill in the Blank (Chap 18): "No, I'm not safe," she said ______________ . "Even my parents couldn't ____________ the Population ______________ if they found me
    grimly, bribe, Police
  • Chap 17: What type of food did Jen give to Luke and what did he think of this food.
    She gave him potatoes chips and Luke thought they were illegal.
  • Chap 24: Using your own words, what does the word ‘stalling’ mean?
    Stalling means to speak or act in a way that gives more time to talk or answer a question. (avoid a subject)
  • Fill in the Blank (Chap 22): "It took me a whole month to figure out how, but you are now looking at an _________________ ____________."
    accomplished hacker
  • Chap. 22: What time does Jen plan to arrive at the president’s house for the rally?
    Jen wants to be at the president's house at 6AM.
  • Chap 17: Why did some shadow children go hungry?
    They go hungry because they don't have food ration cards and their family often doesn't give them food.
  • Fill in the blanks(Chap 17):The third day, Dad was back in the __________, but when Luke crept over to the back door ________________ at 9 A.M. and ______________ flipped the light switch, he got no answering ____________ from Jen's house.
    fields, promptly, daringly
  • Chap 22: How did the Population Police get a few days off?
    The Population Police are off because Jen changed their schedule.
  • Chap 24: Why couldn’t Luke go over to Jen’s house three days before the rally?
    Luke couldn't go to Jen's house because it was raining outside.
  • Chap 20: What do most shadow kids do when they get fake I.D.’s?
    Most shadow children go live with another family and pretend to be their child.
  • Chap 17: Why wasn't Jen able to signal Luke?
    She was not home because she was shopping with her mom.
  • Chap. 25: What does Luke want his mom to do?
    Luke wants his mom to go over and introduce herself welcome the neighbors.
  • Chap 24: Why was Jen glad the government made pets illegal?
    She is glad because it gives her more time to talk to Luke.
    She is glad because she doesn't like dogs.
    She is glad because she didn't bring extra food for a pet.
    She is glad because the Garners didn't have a guard dog that
  • Fill in the Blank (Chap 24): "We can ________ ," Jen said softly. Her voice ___________ away. "Good-bye, Luke."
    creaked, roared
  • Chap 21: Why is Luke able to understand the letter even though his family members cannot?
    Luke is able to understand the letter because he learn a lot of new vocabulary from the books and articles he had been reading.
  • Chap 19: What is the different between the books and the computer articles?
    The books are written the the government and say they saved the country. The articles are written by journalists and say the government is lying.
  • Chap 17: According to Jen, what is the government trying to force everyone to be? Why?
    According to Jen, the government is trying to force everyone to become vegetarians because it is easier for farmers to grow vegetables.
  • Fill in the Blanks (Chap 23): "I just haven't been out in the __________ for a while, remember. Not that I'm complaining, of course," he added _____________.
    sun, hastily
  • Chap 22: What does it mean when Jen says that Luke “glows” when he talks about these things?
    Jen means that when Luke talks about these things, Luke gets very happy and excited.
  • Fill in the Blank (Chap 19): It rained for the next several days, so Luke read ________________, not even _______________ to race over to Jen's instead.
    constantly, tempted
  • Fill in the blank (Chap 17): He _____________________ himself by leaning against the wall at the top of the stairs and ___________________ himself of less frightening _________________________:
    steadied, reminded, possibilities
  • Chapt. 19 : Why was Luke confused by the books and articles Jen gave him?
    He was confused because they were difficult to read and had many words that he didn't know.
  • Chapt. 18: Why is Luke afraid of being in the chat room?
    He is worried that the government will find out who he is.
  • Fill in the Blanks (Chap. 19) : Luke left Jen's that day with a _________ of books and computer printouts _____________ to his chest.
    pile, clutched
  • Chapt. 19: How did Luke feel in the evening after reading the books Jen gave him?
    In the evening, Luke felt guilty because he was eating the food someone else could have.
  • Chap 21: Why aren’t there enough babies?
    There aren't enough babies because the government made pregnant women look and feel like criminals.
  • Fill in the Blank (Chap 25): The ______________________ promised a big story after the _______________________.
    announcer, commercial
  • Fill in the Blank (Chap 20): I don't like using ___________, either, but I figured I can't fight my _________ about ___________.
    that, parents, everything
  • Chapt. 19: What game did Luke’s dad offer to play with him?
    Luke and his dad played rummy.
  • Chap 20: What does Jen want her I.D. to say?
    Jen's wants her I.D. to say her real name (Jen Talbot).
  • Chap 22: How did Jen learn to drive?
    Jen knows how to drive because her brother told her how to do it.
  • Chap 23: How is Luke feeling after he leaves Jen’s house?
    After leaving Jen's house, Luke is really angry with her.
  • Fill in the blank (Chap 17): Jen dropped a plastic bottle full of ____________ liquid. "You eat meat!"