
Spain's Location

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  • What countries are to the north of Spain?
    France and Andorra
  • What continent is Spain in?
  • What two autonomous cities are located in northern Africa?
    Ceuta and Melilla
  • What are the two seas that surround Spain?
    Cantabrian Sea and Mediterranean Sea
  • What is the ocean surrounds Spain?
    Atlantic Ocean
  • What country is to the west of Spain?
  • What Peninsula is Spain part of?
    Iberian Peninsula
  • BONUS: Stand up and introduce yourself to the class. Name, age, favorite subject
    My name is Mayra. I am 22 years old. My favorite subject is Math.
  • What are the four cardinal directions?
    North, East, South, West
  • In what hemisphere is Spain in?
    Northern Hemisphere
  • What are the two archipelagos?
    Canary Islands and Balearic Islands
  • How do you say: "sobrino y sobrina" in English?
    nephew and niece