
ML Changes Quiz Review

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  • What is the normal Processing Time Frame for changes?
    30 days
    90 days
    45 calendar days
    15 business days
  • Bill is calling because he lost his job. His wife has active HTW benfits and both receive SNAP. How do you proceed?
    Transfer to SEU
    Report the change in SSP without acknowledging the HTW EDG
    Tell caller they can report the change at
    Refer caller to their local HHSC office
  • Caller is reporting a new phone number. Case research indicates all benefits are denied. Where do you report the change?
    Transfer the call to SLAQ
    Action tab in CCI
  • Caller is reporting a temporary address change due to displacement. How should the CCR proceed?
    <b>Submit a change for the issuance address.</b>
    <b>All of these changes should be submitted.</b>
    <b>Submit a change for the Residential address.</b>
    <b>Submit a change for the mailing address.</b>
  • Client is reporting HH member moved out; however, contingency was called for the change portal. How do you proceed?
    Refer the caller to www.your to submit the change
    Record the change in the Call Record
    Open Document Center and use a contingency form to submit the change
    Mail the caller a form H1019 to report their change
  • Where can you find the link for the Self Service Change Portal?
    Cisco Finesse
    State Portal
  • Some changes require additional questions be asked and documented that are not in the YTB Self Service Portal .
  • If the client is reporting a new residential address, you do not have to consider if housing costs need to be updated.
  • Which of the following is always reported in CCI?
    New Vehicle
    New issuance address
    Change of Income
    Residential address change