
Does Your Teacher...?

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  • What was your teacher's favorite toy as a child? (Hint: It's an electronic device)
    Game Boy Color!
  • Does your teacher sleep on the right side of the left side of the bed?
  • Does your teacher like pineapple on their pizza?
    Who doesn't?
  • Does your teacher eat for breakfast? Coffee or Bacon? 
    Is coffee breakfast?
  • Does your teacher drive too fast or too slow?
    Waaaaay too slow
  • Does your teacher watch Netflix on the weekend?
    Everyone does!
  • What will your teacher prefer: winter or summer?
  • Can your teacher cook?
    Yes! I think so anyways...
  • What is your teacher's favorite holiday?
  • Can you teacher floss?
    Yes, but badly 
  • Does your teacher drink coffee every morning?
    Coffee is life!
  • What will your teacher eat for lunch today? Ramen or Salad?
  • Does your teacher like cats or dogs better?
  • Is your teacher's computer screen clean?
  • What was your teacher's favorite subject in school?
    Language Arts!
  • Does your teacher like chocolate or strawberry cake better?
    Strawberry! Nom Nom Nom!
  • Can your teacher use chopsticks?
    Easy peasy!
  • Did your teacher grow up with records, cassette tapes, CDs or Streaming (youtube)?
  • Does your teacher have an Android or an iPhone?
    Only blue texts! 
  • What is your teacher scared of? Water or flying in an airplane? 
    Adult water wings!
  • What is your teacher's favorite color?
    Green OR Yellow!
  • What does your teacher like more: chocolate or Hi Chews?
    Hi Chews for the win!
  • What was the first movie your teacher saw in the movie theater, Lord of the Rings or Star Wars Episode 1?
    Lord of the Rings
  • Is your teacher an early bird or a night owl?
  • Does your teacher drink enough water everyday?
    No :(
  • Does your teacher sing in the shower?
  • What is the only meat your teacher eats? Chicken or Fish? 
    Salmon, yum yum!
  • What is your teacher's favorite day of the week?
  • Does your teacher watch reality tv?
    For SURE
  • Can your teacher ride a bike?
  • Does your teacher floss everyday?
  • Does your teacher always come to school on time?
    Yes! Mostly....